Regarding Catalog Dating:
As more and more Catalogs surface, some of the time frames are falling into place. For example, Supplementary Catalog 3839 is solid, because we have dated Pricelists to prove it out.
It is helpful to keep in mind that Catalogs were NOT necessarily published every year. The Earliest, like Catalogue No.6 above, may have been every 2 to 4 years, or longer.
We do have some evidence on dating, as Atlanta Stoveworks did have a Catalogue #3 (Circa 1897), and #5 (which was 112 pages and released to cover the years 1889-1890), however, Catalogue #6 above is a much smaller version, with fewer pages, and I suspect it is a special Pocket Catalogue. So, only time and patience will help to figure it out. (and lots of research!) Is this #6 a Pocket Catalogue? or not.
Edited to add info:
Snip #2 which shows Georgia Stove Works Catalog #2, July 13, 1895. Hmmmm... wonder if numbering was sequential thru out the changes in ownership?
Below is snip #1 from a periodical dated April 22, 1899 which indicates a 10 page pocket catalog, could this be it?