I posted a picture in the member’s only section of a nickel plated Griswold #8 I found.
Members can view it here:
http://www.griswoldandwagner.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1545166347Valerie’s comment about how nickel “tarnishes”, got me thinking ... should I do something differently when restoring a plated piece? Specifically, what should I do when the playing is badly compromised?
Here are some pictures of a “Sidney” skillet I worked on. I had thrown it back in the pile, in our guest room, because I wasn’t happy with the way it turned out. The cooking surface took the seasoning kinda weird. It’s dull and splotchy.
When the plating is in the condition you see on this skillet, I just season over it. Is there a better way? Can you polish the plating (on the outside of the skillet) and then apply so mineral oil to prevent the non-plated areas from rusting. Would that make the skillet look even more like a Frankenskillet?
Just curious what everybody else does with these.