Man, what do we have to do with you newer collectors? Lead you by the hand and tell you everything? Hey, I don't mind. Wish someone had lead me in my early days of collecting and wish there were more of the old timers who would share their knowledge with others. I love it when people are hungry for information because I know that I was (and still am for new info). There is so much to learn and know about iron cookware and a lot of the info comes only from experience and deduction; can't be found in any books or other literature. Look at everything you see on iron cookware; little features and details, casting quality, markings, back of handles; all that stuff. In time you can put this and that together to make a story and hope it adds up to facts.
This is a "AA" skillet suposedly made by Ahrens & Arnold in Wapakoneta. No relation to Wapak that I know of, I've seen a few of these and the one in the link is a poor casting or dirty; usually they are much better but not great castings. Only skillets were made that I've seen.