Well Carla, some words of advice that I am sure others have as well. When you see a piece like this and it has the marks of so much darker in the middle, thats a first sign to look closer for possible warping, warpage, or warps, whatever.
As far as a user goes, a slight bit won't hurt. As far as a collector item goes, warping decreases the value greatly and most collectors will shy away, if not turn away, is that the same thing, from such items. Unless it is a rare item, I would not buy it if it was warped or damaged such as a crack. However, if its pitted some I might buy it because I did not have it in a set that I was trying to fill up, until I get a better one to replace it with, meanwhile it is better than the one that I had, which was none.
What was the question again. Oh yeah, now if this was a Victor 5, a wobble would be ok, because the 5 is the toughest and most expensive to get in this set.