Friend of mine owns a small flea market shop and he got a couple of pieces in. I have my books packed away while doing some work at that house. My instincts are not the greatest as I have not been buying much CI lately. Once piece I think is possibly a lodge and one I think might be an old National, even though it is not marked. The last kettle is interesting and I haven't seen anything like it. It has what looks like some type of flue which looks removable on one side. Plus it says "flu patd date" on the side. Any help would be great.
The only marking what looks like a National handle is WO which I figured was Wapakoneta OH but I could be off on that.
No clue on this one I didn't measure its either 13 or 14
Last one, also a 13 or 14
I know the pics aren't the best, sorry about that.