I don't know Perry, my career was spent in Information Technology magement. My college training is in Geology. Dad was an auto mechanic, I was rebuilding carbs in the 3rd grade. Still do my own car work - each time I say I'm done and will pay, I figure up what I save and do it myself. Always need to know how things are put together and work. Grandpa and one Uncle were railroad machinists - double or quadruple threads amaze me, and I can cut them. Also some carpenters in the family. Always trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. Lately I've been thinking about getting a teaching certificate and teach the hard sciences in public school. Like growing competition vegetables. A guy down the road once grew a 1,200 pound pumpkin. (There's actully big money to be made in pumpkin growing. There are several $10,000 prizes each year all over the country for biggest pumpkin. A rule of thumb is that you need 1 leaf for each 3 pounds of pumpkin.)