Once the newness wears off on a new electro setup, and after you have been running it 24/7 for days on end, you will finally come to realize that, yes, its a good thing, but you eventually come to realize that you are wasting your money. The lye bath is the best thing out there. Put everything in a lye bath. The lye bath cleans the built up carbon off and in most cases you will not even need to derust the piece. Yes the electro will derust and decarbon, but why go there and pay the money if you don't have to. And the lye is very easy and cheap to use, and it will show you what you need to derust, and when you get your pieces out of the lye, if they do need derusted with electro, they will clean much faster because you will just be removing the rust and not working your electro to take carbon off. BUT, until you come to realize this, knock yourself out and watch the bubbles and electro, electro, electro. I know I did. ;D ;D ;D ;D