It seams you realy dislike Nick. And from what I can gather Nick e-mails people and asks them to end auctions early and sell items to hiim at a fixed price.
I guess what it comes down to is what is a fair price for any item. My dad told me what he figures it takes to make a fair sale. Both partys have to agree that they like the price. The person selling it , and the person buying it.
He told me this on a trip we were taking to see a fellow collectors widow. As you know, many times the spouse of a collector will have no interest in retaining a deceased spouses collection. I asked him if he thought it was rather shady to be taking advantage of poor widows.
He said, look she doesn't want it. If something is worth $400 and I offer her $200 and she is happy with that, what is the prolemb. She might just as easily try and sell it at a garage sale for $50. If she is happy and I am happy, why is that a bad deal?
So if Nick is happy paying for the pieces and the sellers are happy with what he offers, how is that a bad deal?
It is true that I am unhappy when something I am bidding on gets pulled off of e-bay, but it happens. From what I gather about you Greg you have a nice house, a good wife and some great kids. And you porbibly have more C.I. than one guy really needs. I don't know if getting that bent out of shape at some guy over a piece or two fo C.I. is worth it.
You already have many pieces that most collectors will look their whole life for one they can afford. Why get all bent out of shape if this guy manages to weasel one or two peices out from under you?