John, Thr inventory software is a huge database, the only restirctions are the size of your hard drive. Works on Windows 98 and up. you put in the inventory data into catagories, sub catagories, item and description. Also it has full pricing on what you paid for a piece, sold it for and what it is worth. You can add up to 10 pictures per item entered and the pics are printable and with zoom in/out capablities. The program backs itself up to a seperate part of your hard drive and is fully restorable in case your system crashes, you can also back up to a floppy or CD. It has a live update so you can check to see if the program has updates available (all free) and there are a number of reports for a full tally of the inventory.
I have about 1100 pieces on mine so far and also have my wifes sterling silver and American cut glass inventoried all with multiple pictures. you can put anything you want on it, all for $32.00 postage paid to WAGS members only. $55.00 to non members. I have them available.