Author Topic: Wagner Worries Cured  (Read 9563 times)

Offline Jerry Cermack

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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2005, 11:07:09 AM »

Interesting note. When we finished the bubble bath (aka electro bath) the base was had a strange 3/4 bright copper color to it, almost swirly in spots.

It could be from someone using a brass brush or pot scrubber.  They can leave brass on the cast iron surface.  

PS.....I've oftened wondered if the cleaning stuff that takes copper fouling out of a gun bore would remove it from cast iron but I've never had one to try.   [smiley=unsure.gif]
« Last Edit: April 13, 2005, 11:10:37 AM by Jerry_Cermack »

Offline Brian Vick

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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2005, 03:24:03 PM »
Mine is the same no crack just a flaw!
the other Brian  [smiley=icon_bananas.gif]


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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2005, 04:43:07 PM »
Thanks again everyone. It sure looked like a crack around the base of each side of the handle to me.  Amazing and so glad I was wrong.
Looking forward to using it. I have to wonder if this wasn't a crack how will I ever recognize a true crack? Maybe I have to hold it up to the light.


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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2005, 01:27:13 AM »
Quote will I ever recognize a true crack? Maybe I have to hold it up to the light.

Holly, You should have no trouble telling a real crack.  There is anb opening in the iron and, though pretty thin in many cases, it really looks like a crack.  A fine hairline crack can usually be identified out in the sun but some cracks (like I recently got) are so open that you can tell them if you are blind.   A 10x magnifier can also help.  Old cracks have their sides a bit rusty or dirty; new cracks (shipping cracks) appear clean and grey at the edges.  Also, old cracks sometime seap cooking oils through them and will have what I call a "carbon track" along the crack on the outside of the pan.  Cracks happen mostly from the top rim down and near the handle or pouring lips on skillets.  But a crack can be almost anywhere so it's best to look all over.  A cracked piece will usually not "ring" clearly when tapped but some cracked pans will ring clearly so that's not a perfect test for a crack.


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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2005, 05:40:39 AM »
Now Holly, you know we are all here to help you.  Just so you can learn what a cracked piece of cast iron looks like, I have decided to help you out.

If you will send me a check for $140, I'll send you my cracked Griswold #10 dutch oven.  It has a wonderful crack for the top of the rim, all the way down to the base.  Now you will have to look carefully, as my husband sure didn't see it when he shoved out $140 at the auction for it.  And as a bonus, it is also quite pitted on the bottom.  

This will give you a good idea what a cracked, pitted piece of cast iron looks like.  And after you have got your learnin' done, you can pawn, I mean pass it off to the next newbie that comes to the forum.  We can think of this piece as a rotating exhibit.  


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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2005, 11:06:38 AM »
Thanks Steve and Marty. I feel more experienced about these already. Now if someone would send me $140 dollar plus $10 for shipping and $50 for handling  I can get it to Marty. How genrous to offer your very own cracked treasure for others to learn on. We should start a post and call it Wallet Whoes - The Painful Art of Inheriting Ugly Cast Iron. I could add to the pitted file nicely.

Good tips Steve such as  examining pieces closely in the sun light. Great  tools of the collecting trade. A magnifying glass, a digital camera, strong arm muscles, scrutiny, scepticism, passion and cold hard cash! I'm 99% there!

Offline Jerry Cermack

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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2005, 05:42:46 PM »
Holly: A tip. Most old cast iron pieces will have a ring to them if tapped. Try it, just tap with your knuckle. If it is cracked, it will usually not ring.

If a skillet has been broken, and welded, it will ring....I know, on a #13 I bought     [smiley=hysterical.gif]


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Re: Wagner Worries
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2005, 05:59:48 PM »
You are quite welcome, Holly.  I just try to be helpful.  

I don't put much stock in that ring cracked DO rings like a bell.


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Re: Wagner Worries Cured
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2005, 01:41:49 PM »
Yes, John and C. Perry I see this is a casting flaw but wow, I surely would have lost this bet. I thought this was one for the books but since then I see this is a great pan with lots of uses. Thanks to WAGS I didn't have to send the attack dogs after this seller. Like that might have worked?

Thanks everyone for curing of the Wagner Worries. I see it is safe to go back into the Wagner Waters and toot around.  All good advice.