Author Topic: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.  (Read 7446 times)


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Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« on: December 05, 2005, 12:24:45 AM »
Hi all. I just today picked up a small logo Griswold #80 flanged skillet top, with upper tab, for $5.00. It bears the p/n 1103A. I was wondering if this mates with the typical small logo Griswold #8 hinged skillet to form an upper and lower combination cooking utensil, or if there is a special other bottom pot or pan that mates with this lid. Also, if this mates with a #8 Gris hinged pan; would a #3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 hinged skillet mate up with a similar lid marked #30, 50, 60, 70, and 90? Also was wondering if these are fairly scarce or common, as it is the first one I've come across in my brief collecting pursuits. Thanks, in advance, for any forum input. Best regards to all.


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Re: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 11:52:56 AM »
Your cover skillet should mate to an 1102 deep skillet or chicken fryer bottom.  I'm not sure if your cover would fit a No.8 hinge skillet since most regular skillets are narrower at the top than are deep skillets.  But Griswold's hammered skillet, deep skillet, and dutch oven all take the same identical cover.  My best guess is that you will need a No.80 1102 deep skillet bottom that was made for your cover.  The No.80's in large and small TM's are not rare and the better one valuewise is the large TM top and bottom.  Many are large on one pan and the medium large (1930's style) TM on the other pan and they came that way.  You will have a hard time I think finding a small TM deep skillet matching bottom all by itself.

There are no different sized pans or cover skillets that correspond to the No.80.  There is a No.90 but it is of a little different design with a loop handle on the bottom deep skillet and no handle or tab on the cover as they do not hinge together.  The 90 double skillet is also flared out more.



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Re: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 10:38:55 PM »
Steve: As always, your input regarding my inquiry is greatly appreciated. I dont know if I'll ever find the mating deep skillet to this lid, but for the price I couldnt pass it up. It came out of a local antique shop, along with a bargain priced Gris #6 block logo skillet with heat ring. Once again, many thanks for your information. Best regards.

Offline Roger Barfield

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Re: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 11:00:51 PM »
Steve: As always, your input regarding my inquiry is greatly appreciated. I dont know if I'll ever find the mating deep skillet to this lid, but for the price I couldnt pass it up. It came out of a local antique shop, along with a bargain priced Gris #6 block logo skillet with heat ring. Once again, many thanks for your information. Best regards.

Donald, here's one on ebay if yours is plated.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2005, 11:03:13 PM by rogbarfield »
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.


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Re: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2005, 12:00:26 AM »
Roger: Thank you for the heads-up, but my lid is black iron, not plated. It is also the later small logo and the ebay offering is earlier block logo. I'm currently lye bath cleaning it and will put it aside in hopes of finding its mate at sometime. Best regards.


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Re: Info needed on Griswold #80 skillet lid.
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2005, 03:55:37 PM »