Author Topic: Early, early ERIE dutch ovens  (Read 890 times)


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Early, early ERIE dutch ovens
« on: February 09, 2006, 01:07:16 PM »
I want to see what any very early ERIE dutch ovens look like that do not have a pattern number.  Does anyone have one they can post photos of or can describe?  I have a No.9 ERIE w/o the pattern number and another that is almost identical with no visible markings (might be under the patina on the bottom) but have never seen any others.

The 1883 Selden & Griswold catalog shows a full line of cookware but no dutch ovens so they were probably added later and closer to when pattern numbers were first used (c.1891).  Is that why we don't see the very early ones that have different features?  I had my two early 9's at the last convention.  It's possible that only the 9 was made with no pattern number.
