Sorry for the delay guys. Been cleaning and seasoning.
Charlee, I tossed it all right. Right into the electro. Mike gave me some info on how to get the handles off. I knew they screwed off but couldn't move them....Until I heated the whole WI on the stove. That loosened the handle just enough to get them off. Thanks again Mike.
Jerry, This is the only one I've seen around here, but then again I haven't been doing this for all that long. I have a line on some other cool stuff that I hope I can get my hands on. We'll just have to wait and see.
Charmayne, come on now, you just got that really nice square WI from your neighbor. Wags rules state that you can only have one WI.....or maybe that was 100 WI's. I'll have to check. ;D
Perry, If I come across a 3 paddle, I'll be sure to buy it. The more paddles the better I always say. Also, see above, for how to remove stubborn handles. The books don't show this exact WI. They are clase but there are some variations with the base, bail, and the handles. I have heard that there are at least 12 types of these. Mike knows what I'm talking about.
I should have this out of the electro tomorrow some time and I will try to get pictures posted of the finished product. These always take a bit longer to clean. All those nooks and crannies ya know.