Bought two pieces at garage sales this weekend, Wagner Sydney O DO ( only ID'd after E Bath )and an unmarked 3 leg Bean pot. The DO has a basting lid, and after looking at the number markings, I compared it against a LODGE Lid that I have. The size, numbering marks and locations, and dimple pattern matched on first comparison ( except the Lodge mark on the comparison lid ), so I thought that the Wagner DO lid was mismatched. Showed my wife, who immediately pointed out that the font(?) on the numbers were different ( and here I was suppose to be a detailed observer - ie: retired cop ). Looking closer, you notice that the lid handles differ - the Wagner DO Lid has the small tapered end and a "V" tapered inner lip rim, compared the the Lodge's wider flat top inner rim.
So can I safely say that the Wagner DO lid is indeed a match???, not just a difference in a marked and unmarked Lodge Lid from different year production??