Author Topic: Griswold DO & Wagner skillet  (Read 2536 times)


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Griswold DO & Wagner skillet
« on: November 06, 2003, 01:50:17 PM »
I inherited a Griswold dutch oven and a Wagner skillet from my uncle and would like to get more information on them.  Other than some slight pitting on the bottom of the dutch oven, both are in great condition.

The dutch oven is a #9 with a squared off bale and lid.  The writing on the underside of the lid is difficult to read due to the fact that it does not appear to have been cast very deep (i.e. it is rather smooth).  I do make out "SELF BASTING" very clearly and "PATENT" with the characters following  difficult to read.  There is also a four digit part number that I can make out as what appears to start with 12?? (possibly 1288 or 1289).  The lid also has the Griswold trademark on the top (circle and cross with GISWOLD across the center.  It is approximately 2 1/2" across.  The oven itself says CAST IRON ?-TOP DUTCH OVEN (pitting obscures the word before "TOP" but appears to start with a "T") ERIE PA. U.S.A. PATENT 1.333.917.  The part number is 1279.

The skillet says "WAGNER" in curved letters (with quotation marks) and SYDNEY in straight letters directly below it.  Directly below that is a "0" (no quotes).  Directly across is "10.A" (again, no quotes).

I am not interested in selling these as I am an avid cook and my 80 year old mother remembers the skillet from her childhood.  But, I would like to know their age and approximate value.  Thanks to anyone who can help.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2003, 11:49:22 AM by David_Schmunk »


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Re: Griswold DO & Wagner skillet
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 12:47:35 PM »
Your dutch oven is from the later 1930s and was made in only sizes 7-9  in that style with only the 8 being common.  The Wagner skillet would have been made before the early 1920's judging by it's not having a catalog number on the bottom as do those from after around 1924.  Values on each piece will be based on condition although neither is a highly collectible piece.  Great quality iron that make good users.  Dutch oven should be worth around $75 to 100 in exc. condition and the skillet around $30 to 40.  Prices do vary a lot in different parts of the country, though.


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Re: Griswold DO & Wagner skillet
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2003, 02:33:45 PM »

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.  To be honest, I am somewhat relieved that neither item is highly collectable.  As I said, I am an avid cook and want to use both items regularly and would be somewhat nervous using a highly valuable item.

Finding these items, however, has turned me on to a whole new world of cookware.  Before I found them and started doing research on the web and finding this website, I am ashamed to say that I had never heard of Wagner or Griswold.  I thought Lodge was the cream of the crop.  Thank you to you and the other very knowledgeable posters for the education.  I have a feeling that these are not going to be the last of these brands that I will own.

Thanks again.


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Re: Griswold DO & Wagner skillet
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2003, 07:03:48 PM »
We are always happy to welcome a new collector, Dave!  I cook with mine, and you will love these.  Make sure you keep them seasoned so they won't rust.  There is a lot of information on this forum regarding seasoning and cleaning of cast iron.  I think you will find those sections helpful, particularly the electrolysis cleaning method.