Here is a little story that will make you least it made me cry. When my dad was in the hospital last month, my mother and I were chatting about my cast iron while my Dad slept most of the time. She asked me if I remembered the great big cast iron skillet upstairs in the carriage house. I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. "What great big skillet" I asked. "How big was it and who made it?" She then proceeds to tell me it took up both burners on the was about 22-23 inches wide. I'm getting ill at this point. I asked her who made it, and she said she didn't know, but did remember it had a cross on the back, inside a circle. Now I'm weeping. I was upstairs in that carriage house plenty of times, and didn't see that skillet. Not that I was looking, because there was a lot of junk up there. I asked her where it was, and she told me they left it there when they sold the home and bought the condo.
So on the way to the hospital the next day, I stopped at the old homestead, and rang the doorbell. I told the lady that I use to live in this house, and my folks sold the house about 10 years ago. I gave her the info about the skillet. She looked at me like I had rocks in my head.
She told me that the upstairs of the carriage house had been cleaned out when they bought the house from the folks who bought it from my parents. She told me she remembered that big old skillet, and dumped it in the trash can. [smiley=bawling.gif] [smiley=bawling.gif] [smiley=bawling.gif]
My mother saves that cheap Korean aebleskiver pan, and leaves a Griswold LARGE frying pan, probably a #20. (Well, I don't know for sure it was a Griswold, but the cross in the circle is a big hint.) She thought it was funny. [smiley=banghead.gif] [smiley=banghead.gif] [smiley=banghead.gif]