I have bought and sold a lot of cast iron in the last 20 years. By far, I think the worse piece of cast iron cookware to ship, packing that is, was the #20 skillet. That was up until today. I'm packing a #9 Griswold oval roaster with full markings and trivet to ship to a WAGS member. The #9 is a beast.
I always double box everything, but to find two boxes that would fit this beast was a challenge. I had my recent cold air intake for my FORD F150, cut that in half, taped back together to make a new box that was 24 inches long and just high enough to fit everything that was wrapped in padding at least 2 inches thick on each side, top and bottom. THen put into a microwave oven box with original styrofoam bottom still in place that fit the inside box to a tee. Another two inches of crumbled paper on the sides and top and more styrofoam on the sides.
If this thing breaks in shipping, its because some one dropped it from the Empire State building. My worse piece of cookware that I have ever shipped, including that #20 skillet. The #9 is a beast!!